Istituzione del Comune di San Miniato |
Regolamento Zonale Carta Zonale Monitoraggio zonale Autorizzazione, accreditamento C.R.E.D. Centro Risorse C.E.A. Centro Amministrazione Trasparente |
Notizie Avere memoria del futuro Pieno di presenze - oltre 120 - per il nuovo ultimo Consiglio Comunale aperto tenutosi giovedì 5 luglio scorso alla Bottega di Geppetto, da un anno esatto ridenominato Centro Internazionale Gloria Tognetti. The new and last open meeting of the City Council realized on thursday 5th July at Bottega di Geppetto - right one year ago entitled to Gloria Tognetti - has been highly participated, with more that 120 people. Local participants but also representatives from other Tuscan areas have enriched the meeting, where results and new perspectives of the work of Bottega have been presented. It has been scheduled by the end of the year the publishing - initially in Italian and in English - of the volume CHILDREN AND THE REVOLUTION OF DIVERSITY (the documentation of the international conference realized on 9th and 10th February 2018 with the integration of a section dedicated to the pedagogical biography of Gloria Tognetti). At the same time the international activities of relationships and exchanges have been confirmed and the appointments for the next 12 months will be likely organized in Brazil, Spain, Ireland and Netherlands. But the most interesting and most important speeches - the ones made by the parents of the children attending San Miniato's ECEC services - have coloured and warmed up the feeling of a project more and more rooted in the community, in order to offer in a diffused way to all children and all families positive opportunities since the very first years of life. Also the data collected after the last registration period for families, underline that two-third of families with children aged from 0 to 3 ask for the attendance to an ECEC service in a situation in which the percentage of the received children in ECEC services - even considering a waiting list made of 50 children - is highley above the national average and it represents one of the most advanced situations in Tuscany. At the end of the afternoon and during the evening a high participation has been mainteined to the initiave that have been organized by Gloria Tognetti's family: they offered a dinner in the garden as a social occasion to collect also fundings to support Bottega's activities and in particular the idea to reanimate an international cooperation activity toward the playing area PINOCHO that Gloria has contributed to open 15 years ago as a resource and an opportunity for children and families living in Havana. |
visual: | © Copywriter La Bottega di Geppetto 2005 - admin | ||